White Oak Mobile Vet - House Call Services

White Oak Mobile Vet

Apex NC
Apex, NC 27523




House Call Services


Many people have questions about various aspects of our services and we hope this information will help.  Please call us at (919) 880-0788 if you have further questions regarding our services.


Blood Pressure Icon Physical Examinations: We offer annual wellness, puppy/kitten exams, sick pet exams, lameness exams

Bloodwork Icon On Site Blood Lab: Blood collection for organ function, electrolytes, thyroid screening, CBC (complete blood count), Feline Leukemia & FIV virus testing, canine heartworm and parvo virus testing.

Lab Icon On Site Urine Testing: We perform complete urinalysis screens for crystals, diabetes, kidney disease, advanced urine culture system allows for detection of urinary tract infections in only 24 hours.

Parasite Icon On Site Parasite Testing: Blood testing for heartworm disease, modern methods of fecal testing used for detection of intestinal parasites that are contagious to people

Advanced Lab Testing Icon Advanced Lab Testing: We use local and national reference labs for an unlimited availability of advanced blood, urine and tissue testing.

Hospice Icon Hospice Care: We offer at home administration of medications and fluids for sick or geriatric pets to improve comfort and quality of life.

Euthanasia Icon In-Home Euthanasia: We provide painless, stress-free sedation and euthanasia when the time comes in the comfort of your pet’s favorite place at home and take care of remains based on your preferences.

Diagnostics Icon Advanced Diagnostics and Surgery: If Further diagnostics like radiographs or ultrasound is required we will refer to either Quartet veterinary hospital / TVRH Durham / NS state school of Veterinary Medicine. We also use these facilities if your pet needs overnight hospitalization or advanced treatments and care. We also refer to SNAP /Quartet Surgery department /Maynard  Animal Hospital for elective Surgical procedures.